• Private Lessons

    Here at NW Firearms & Tactics we understand sometimes students want a one on one experience, or due to a busy schedule are not able to attend a full day class. We will tailor the lessons to your needs. Private lessons can range from but not limited to the following:

    Pistol (basic to advance)

    Carbine riffle (basic to advance)

    Long gun 1&2

  • Basic Pistiol

    Our basic pistol course is for new shooters, experienced shooters looking to brush up on their fundamentals, and anyone looking to get their CHL.

    This course covers the fundamentals and safe handling of a pistol. Including discussions on firearm selection, cleaning, and gear selection.

  • CHL 1 (Intermediate)

    Our CHL1 course is for people who have already taken our basic pistol course or a class equivalent to it.

    CHL1 is designed to get concealed carry holders more comfortable with their pistol and to be better prepared for a real life use of force situation.

    In this course you will be taught on how to properly and safely draw your pistol from your holster concealed/open carry. You will also be introduced to combat shooting, which includes close quarter shooting, moving off line, different angles of shooting and how to deal with malfunctions.

  • CHL 2 (Advanced)

    Our CHL2 course is for people who have taken our CHL1 course or a class equivalent to it.

    CHL2 is designed for concealed carry holders to be prepared and comfortable to draw their pistols under pressure and to use their surroundings as a advantage versus a disadvantage while moving and shooting. In this course we will be combining everything from our basic pistol and CHL1 course to make a concealed carry holder prepared for real life situations.

    Classes coming soon

  • Long Gun 1 (Entry to Precision Long Distance)

    Our Long Gun 1 course is for beginners who have already taken a basic rifle course and for hunters who want to hone in their shooting accuracy and being more comfortable shooting at longer distances. In this course we have our students shoot from 100 yards to 300 yards. This is our intro course to get people prepared for our Long Gun 2 course.

  • Long Gun 2 (Intermediate/Advance Precision Distance Shooting)

    Our Long Gun 2 course is for shooters who are wanting to get into precision long distance shooting and/or honing their long gun shooting accuracy to the highest standards. Student’s will be shooting from 300 yards to a 1000 yards!

    Classes coming soon

  • Force on Force Training

    Our force on force training is for people who want to have a full understanding and knowledge on how to deal with real life scenarios.

    Our students will be given replica firearms and be put in shoot/no shoot situations.

    Classes coming soon

  • WA Armed Security Guard Certification

    If you are needing either your WA armed security guard initial, or your renewal, we got you covered.

    We offer classes for individuals and/or companies that need to get their officers certified.

    Classes coming Soon